Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Two WSIPW Oil Paintings

Original Painting: "Spilt out Cherries":
 8"x10"- Oil on Canvas,  $75+$6.95 S&H USD
Hello everyone!

In my last blog post I mentioned how someone said that all of  the images posted on Facebook during the week before last's WSIPW (What Should I Paint Wednesday) were all beautiful and that I should paint them all. I also told you that I intended to follow that person's advice, and that I would paint them all. So far I've only showed you two of the paintings which were inspired from the week before's WSIPW. Today, however, I am showing you the last and third painting from that week. And as you can see above, it's also a still life oil painting, just like all of my other recent paintings, lately.

Now last week, I posted three new images on Facebook for WSIPW, as well, and after the voting on Facebook, the photograph which inspired this painting below won out!

Original Painting: "Apple, Book, & Leaves":
 8"x10"- Oil on Canvas,  $75+$6.95 S&H USD
Now, today is week 6's WSIPW. So please be sure to do your voting on Facebook today. And then stay tuned to see which image gets selected as the reference photo that I will use to paint from.
I hope you enjoy!

'Til later fellow art lovers!

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