A huge thank you to all of those of you who came out last night for the unveiling of “Beauty in the Midst of Voices: part I.” And a gigantic thank you to my father: He bought three pieces! Thank you so much for your support. Aside from selling a few of my originals opening night, I was also able to sell a few prints, so things went pretty well!
We will be doing it all over again in February, as there will be a separate opening night then, one in which will be advertised in a better manner than this one, since there was no ad that went out in the paper for this one. Moreover, during the one in February , I hope to include some additional drawings.
Also a huge thank you to Veronica, Leslie, Ken, and Nathaniel over at the MHA for all of your help with the set up as well as showcasing. You all did such a wonderful job with such a short notices. The Mental Health Association (MHA) has lost a lot of its staff in the past few months, but despite this, you all did such a wonderful job with the setting up, despite some of you being new to MHA.
Furthermore, the art work for “Beauty in the Midst of Voices” will continue to be on display throughout the months of January and February 2012. All of my prints will continue to be sold there as well, and they will be on sale for only $10.00 each. Quite a bargain because all of my prints are $15.00 bucks on my site over at SamDoumArt.com.! Save 33.33 percent! But hey, if you don’t mind paying the extra five bucks you can purchase one of my prints HERE over at SamDoumArt.com. And for a limited amount of time we will be offering FREE shipping!
That said, please enjoy some of the photos taken during my exhibition “Beauty in the Midst of Voices.” These photos were taken during opening night. Enjoy!
That said and done, I would like to thank all of you who have been reading my blog. If you like this product and really enjoy it. Please like us on Facebook, or tweet our posts. Please help us get the word out about SamDoumArt.com and "The Blog of SamDoum Art." If you see a painting or drawing that you like over at SamDoumArt.com's gallery page HERE , don't be afraid to like it on Facebook.
SamDoumArt.com will also be offering a FREE monthly newsletter, and to help promote the FREE newsletter SamDoumArt.com will be giving away one FREE 8x10 print to every 1 out of 10 people who sign up for SamDoum's newsletter during the month of January, 2012. If you enter and win in our drawing, you will be able to choose from 1 out of the 3 prints below as your FREE thank you gift! Please see options below:
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You may sign up for SamDoum's monthly newsletter at the link below. All are welcome to receive our newsletter so please do sign up. We would really appreciate it:
‘Til later BlogSpot friends!
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