Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 25 of 30 in 30 Painting Challenge: Animals: "Rooster"

Original 6x6 Pastel Painting - "Rooster" : SOLD
Oh my goodness! It is nearly 8:30 p.m. as I type this and I am just now posting for Day 25 of the 30 in 30 Challenge!

Why? Well, I did do a painting last night of a rooster, that I intended for today's post, but I did not consider it to be post worthy for the Challenge. It didn't really come out the way I wanted  it to, so I thought I'd sleep on it, and then see if I found it to be post worthy when I woke up in the morning (today). However, though I did sleep on it, when I woke up this morning, I still considered it to be unpost-worthy. It just didn't come out well.

So I had to redo my rooster painting and I redid it today--after a long day of cleaning and doing household chores, that is. Cleaning kept me busy for most of the day and I didn't get the chance to start drawing until later this evening. 

And so, here is my painting for day #25: A colorful rooster with a square composition. And the first square composition that I've used in this particular painting challenge. It's also the smallest piece thus far, measuring only 6"x6".

This subject matter for this peice was suggested by Joan Princing, a fellow artist and art lover, who is the author of the art blog Art is a Rhapsody Treasure. Joan suggested that I do a painting of a colorful rooster and I didn't want to disappoint her so here he is: my colorful rooster. I hope you enjoy!

'Til later fellow art lovers!

 A Look Back on the 30 Day Painting Challenge: Animals


  1. Yeah! I am so glad you painted a Rooster. He is so handsome. I really love the effect of the pastels. I wished I didn't mind getting my hands and fingers messy while painting cuz I would most definitely choose pastels more often in my designs. I absolutely love the smooth, blending, softness of the pastels. The results are so amazing. (I can see this even better in person with my Elephant painting.) I can see why you love working with pastels so much! The end results are beautiful :)

    1. Me again! ;)

      I was contemplating what I should purchase for my mum for Valentines Day! She LOVES Roosters! So..... it will be hers now.

      So glad I asked you to paint a rooster!! My mum is going to love this!


    2. Hi Joan!

      Thanks so much for purchasing the painting! I hope your mom enjoys it. Yes, I looooooove pastels a lot! The only downside is getting your nails dirty, But it's so worth it. Definitely my favorite media to work with. Somehow, when I use pastels, I feel like I have more control over how the painting is going to come out, because i don't have a middleman type of object, like a brush, between myself-- that is my hand--and the actual medium that I'm using to paint with. I feel more free that way, like a little kid finger-painting. :)

      Thanks so much for all of your kind words and encouragement! I really appreciate it Joan! I'm headed over to your blog now. Can't wait to see what you've created for today!

      Take care,


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